Swimming Maui 

Swim with Us!

Swimming Maui is all about having fun and learning how to swim Safely, Efficiently and Happily

We help people in all stages of life find safety, comfort and fun in the water. 

Our approach to swimming and the water comes from our deep love and respect of the Ocean. We believe in a round and holistic water education instead of a pool and strictly performance driven approach. Our goal is to foster a community of people who love the water and learn from it each day. Our sessions focus on:

Water and Ocean Safety

Overcoming Mental Blocks and Fear

Having Fun

Each person is an individual and each success, no  matter how big or small is celebrated with great enthusiasm. 

Book a private or semi-private session with one of our awesome coaches and see your life transform. Whether you are a seasoned swimmer, a totally terrified beginner, or somewhere in between, we will help you hone and master your swim technique to become a happier and stronger swimmer.

Ask about our Adult learn to Swim programs and our online coaching!